Brittany Williammee
Windsor, CO
Goal: Get healthy in order to have a healthy pregnancy
Achievement: Lost 100+ pounds... had a healthy pregnancy AND lost all of that baby weight!
Momma's out there... I am sure you can relate to this story. Having babies is a miracle and it's incredible what our bodies are able to do!! It is also a very...interesting experience when it comes to our bodys. We completely morph from one size to another... things shifting... organs making room for a growing human...body storing fat for energy supply and so much more. The beautiful experience can be a little overwhelming at time... Before, during and after... I love Brittany's story as she shares the realness in her world and how she handled pregnancy weight gain, post partum weight challenges, followed by a TON of success with RightFitt 10 minute workouts, Monthly Challenges and ProjectMe!!

Brittanys Story
I Always knew I wanted to be a Mama.
I got married and became pregnant with my first baby boy. During that pregnancy I craved ALL THE SWEETS 🍨🧁🍦 gaining an excess of 50 pounds! Without losing any of that weight I became pregnant with baby boy #2! After a lot more weight gain during that pregnancy (and I mean A LOT)...
I was at a loss😔 Deep on a sadness that stretched to many areas of my life.
Knowing that I wanted a baby #3, I searched for something that would bring me back to my happy place. I joined a RightFitt 10 Minute Workout Challenge and loved it... so I joined another!
I started to create healthy habits that were seeping into other areas of my life!!
After a couple months, I decided to join ProjectMe. I had seen the results from some of the other girls and thought it looked intriguing.
In ONE year with this amazing group, I lost 105 pounds!!
Yes, that's 1.0.5. POUNDS! 🤯

Becoming healthier and happier than I had ever been!! 💪
I was able to have a HEALTHY pregnancy with baby boy #3 with ProjectMomMe and once I was ready, I lost all the baby weight again! I live the ProjectMe lifestyle everyday. Because of this I am able to be the mom who goes in the jumpy castles at birthday parties, plays ALL the sports in the backyard, I can even carry all three babies to their rooms at night AT THE SAME TIME 💪
I am eternally thankful for this program and truly believe it changes lives in the most profound ways!
Brittany lost 105 lbs and is now back to her pre pregnancy weight! We are so proud of her and her commitment to her mental and physical health which go hand in hand. Stay tuned for my Brittany hot shots and stories... this girl does NOT quit on herself!

Brittany is now a coach supporting others to get their own results!! After a life changing experience like that she couldn't imagine herself NOT sharing!! If you are looking for your own positive story - Reach out to Brittany and tell her about your goals and struggles so she can support you!

If you are looking to elevate your health or get back on track, set up a free consultation with Coach Brittany and see what would work best for you!!
If you are ready to take a leap and give YOURSELF the chance to make the change, fill out this form and request a
If you don't know another RightFitt client or coach, pick Caley as your contact!!
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