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Sponsorship Opportunity

Time is TBD


Donate from Anywhere

Register as a sponsor. For your donation to fully be received without fees being taken out, use Venmo instead and select $1 on this form. Venmo @Caley-Carroll

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Donate from Anywhere


  • Raffle or Auction

    Select this if you have an item or service to donate and share your gift on the next page.

  • Butterfly Sponsor - $250

    If possible - pay $1 here and pay actual amount to venmo @caley-carroll so we do not have fees

  • Warrior Sponsor - $750

    If possible - pay $1 here and pay actual desired amount to venmo @caley-carroll so we do not have fees. We will contact you to get your logo, website and marketing materials

  • Wonder Sponsor

    Support our cause by any donation of your choice along with any type of participation in the event! If possible - pay $1 here and pay actual desired amount to venmo @caley-carroll so we do not have fees.




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